Climbing the Ladder of Interpretability with Counterfactual Concept Bottleneck Models

Published in Submitted to IJCAI 2024, 2023

Recommended citation: Gabriele Dominici, Pietro Barbiero, Francesco Giannini, Martin Gjoreski, Marc Langheinrich & Giuseppe Marra. (2024). Climbing the Ladder of Interpretability with Counterfactual Concept Bottleneck Models

Current deep learning models are not designed to simultaneously address three fundamental questions: predict class labels to solve a given classification task (the “What?”), explain task predictions (the “Why?”), and imagine alternative scenarios that could result in different predictions (the “What if?”). The inability to answer these questions represents a crucial gap in deploying reliable AI agents, calibrating human trust, and deepening human-machine interaction. To bridge this gap, we introduce CounterFactual Concept Bottleneck Models (CF-CBMs), a class of models designed to efficiently address the above queries all at once without the need to run post-hoc searches. Our results show that CF-CBMs produce: accurate predictions (the “What?”), simple explanations for task predictions (the “Why?”), and interpretable counterfactuals (the “What if?”). CF-CBMs can also sample or estimate the most probable counterfactual to: (i) explain the effect of concept interventions on tasks, (ii) show users how to get a desired class label, and (iii) propose concept interventions via “task-driven” interventions.

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Gabriele Dominici, Pietro Barbiero, Francesco Giannini, Martin Gjoreski, Marc Langheinrich & Giuseppe Marra. (2024). Climbing the Ladder of Interpretability with Counterfactual Concept Bottleneck Models